LittleVrShooter is a virtual reality game for smartphonesDiscover four different worlds and unblock holograms that you can visualize with your hand-ma
LittleVrShooter is a virtual reality game for smartphones
Discover four different worlds and unblock holograms that you can visualize with your hand-made pyramid (construction instructions included). Little Vr Shooter is a 3D shooting game in virtual reality that doesn't require a controller or buttons.
A virtual reality helmet for smartphone is needed for a better gaming experience.
Thanks for you downloading
and enjoy the game !
Enabled headsets :
- Durovis dive
- ImmersiON-VRelia GO
- Samsung Gear VR
- Stooksy VR-Spektiv
- VrAse
- Go4D
- Homido
- Zeiss VR One
- Google Cardboard
- Refugio3D